• Email: alinazbd@yahoo.com
  • Phone: +8801817142579

Our Client List

  • homeOur Client List
    1.  The Federation of Bangladesh Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FBCCI)
    2.  Bangladesh German Chamber of Commerce and Industry (BGCCI)
    3.  Bangladesh Electrical Association (BEA)
    4.  Bangladesh Association of Software Information Services (BASIS)
    5.  Bangladesh Mobile Phone Businessmen Association (BMBA)
    6.  Exporters Association of Bangladesh (EAB)
    7.  Tours Operators Association of Bangladesh (TOAB)
    8.  Agrani Bank Ltd.
    9.  NCC Bank Ltd.
    10.  Meghna Bank
    11.  Islami Bank Bangladesh Ltd.
    12.  Jamuna Bank Ltd.
    13. Mutual Trust Bank Ltd.
    14.  ICB Islamic Bank Ltd.
    15.  Islamic Finance & Investment Co. Ltd.
    16.  National Life Insurance Co. Ltd.
    17.  Progati Life Insurance Co. Ltd.
    18.  Asia Pacific General Insurance Co. Ltd.
    19. A. K. Khan & Co. Limited
    20.  Continental Airlines
    21.  Singapore Airlines
    22.  Siemens Bangladesh Ltd.
    23. Bangladesh Express Co. Ltd. (Fedex)
    24. Jat Holdings (Pvt.) Ltd. (Sri-Lankan Company)
    25.  Meghna Group of Companies
    26.  City Group of Companies
    27.  M.R. Group
    28.  Alam group of Industries
    29.  Sanji group of Companies
    30.  Bengal Group of Industries
    31.  UTAH Group
    32.  Envoy Group
    33. Hameem Group
    34.  Ixora Aparels Ltd.
    35.  Tex World Ltd.
    36.  TeleLink Group
    37.  Akhter Furniture Ltd. (Akhtar Group)
    38. Furniture World
    39.  Neha Fashion Mall Ltd.
    40.  Zaara Fashion Mall Ltd.
    41.  Haq’s Bay Automobiles Ltd.
    42.  MAAS Travel & Tours Ltd.
    43. Victory Travels Ltd.
    44.  Paradise Travels
    45.  Nizam Enterprise
    46.  Nizam Biddut Bitan
    47.  Nizam Electrical World
    48.  Aventis Pharmaceuticals Ltd.
    49.  Russel Lodge Holdings Ltd.
    50.  Imperial Real Estate Ltd.
    51.  Imperial Consultants Ltd.
    52.  Imperial Group
    53.  Dipjol Enterprise
    54.  Sarobar Sharee
    55.  Khajana Mithai
    56.  Khana Khajana Restaurant
    57.  Sharma House
    58. and Many More….